The Economic Incentives of Cultural Transmission: Spatial Evidence from Naming Patterns Across France
Référence Yann Algan, Clément Malgouyres, Mathias Thoeng Résumé Dernière mise à jour : 22 août 2022
The Impact of Childhood Social Skills and Self- Control Training on Economic and Noneconomic Outcomes: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment Using Administrative Data
Référence Yann Algan, Elizabeth Beasley, Sylvana Cote, Jungwee Park, Richard E. Tremblay, and Frank Vitaro Résumé A childhood intervention to improve the social skills and self-control of at-risk kindergarten boys in the 1980s had positive impacts over the life course: higher trust and self-control as adolescents; increased social group membership, education, and reduced criminality as […]